Installing the package


Before you install proas, make sure that PGPLOT is already installed in your system. To check this, you can just type

$ echo $PGPLOT_DIR

The answer must be something like /usr/local/pgplot/

If this is not the case (PGPLOT is not installed), you can download PGPLOT


To install proas on your hard disk, you must complete the following steps:

1.- Download the latest distribution from github:

$ git clone

2.- Move to the proas directory

$ cd proas

3.- Execute the following commands:

$ autoreconf -s -i -f
$ ./configure
$ make


Mac users can easily indicate a different Fortran and C compilers using ./configure F77=gfortran-mp-13 CC=gcc-mp-13.

4.- You must finish the installation procedure by placing the executable in its corresponding directory (you may need root privileges):

$ sudo make install